Friday, August 1, 2014

Hello August!

Welcome, August, my old friend! Typically I am not a huge fan of summer weather (give me a nice fall rainstorm any day) but August has a very special place in my heart because for it's lack of traditional holidays (but hey, did you know the first Sunday in August is National Friendship Day?) it's full of excitement and wonderment. First of all, at least in my neck of the woods, August means BACK TO SCHOOL SEASON (yes, I do realize I'm shouting, but it makes me so darn happy I can't help it) which means oodles of awesome office supplies on the cheap. Now, I personally don't need a reason to stock up but it just makes my heart an extra sort of happy to walk down the isles filled with lovely bits of pens and pencils and sticky notes and notebooks (okay, so maybe I have an addiction, but we'll save that for another day). August also brings with it the county fair and living in the heart of aggie country it's kind of a big deal around here. I'm not one to raise farm animals, but it is fun to go pet the bunnies and talk to the calves and it gives me a sort of Charlotte's Web feeling visiting the fair.

So you see, August has some magic all it's own. This August however, I want to try and make it even more meaningful. I stumbled upon a great idea this week and decided to incorporate it into the month of August - a Kindness Challenge. I've seen people doing a lot of "challenges" lately, most of them centered around diet and exercise and while I see the personal benefit in those, I prefer a challenge that makes the world around you just a bit better of a place. So, when I found this over at Cupcakes and Cauldrons I thought I was just perfect.

Week One is all about kindness to strangers and what a perfect place to start. So, I'll post more about ways that I have found to share kindness and I encourage you to take a look and try this challenge yourself.

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